Tuesday 9 October 2012

The Tits Of Death

I saw Death in Tesco and Death had a fantastic rack. Let me explain. There was a Halloween display and the people charged with making store displays/window dressing had probably run out of male mannequins
 and used a female. Don't get me wrong I quite liked it, it had a Jake and Dinos Chapman quality. It just got me wondering who did it? Was it simply a matter of necessity? Could it have been a fashion obsessed gay man? Or a woman with an eating disorder? Either could have been depicting their idealised female body. Or else someone wishing to strike a blow for equality, why should it always be Gentleman Death who comes to call? I give you The Tits Of Death! Sounds like a low-rent Michael Reeves homage from the early 1970's. I did try to get a picture of myself actually groping the tits of death wearing a suitably leery expression, alas I just couldn't get all four of us in shot!


  1. Mental image of you groping the Tits of Death as I go to bed. Funny.

    1. I'm pleased you think so. I had a suitably Benny Hillesque expression on my face at the time. To borrow a phrase from Crimewatch “don't have nightmares!”
